18 Jun

Why Event Security Boosts Both Safety and Revenue for Hospitality Businesses During the Euros

Why Event Security Boosts Both Safety and Revenue for Hospitality Businesses During the Euros

The Euros have finally arrived on the sporting calendar and we’re as excited as any other football fan to meet some mates down the pub and cheer on our boys!

Of-course we’re not alone, during the tournament hospitality businesses such as pubs, bars, and restaurants anticipate a surge in customers eager to watch the matches. This influx brings the opportunity for significant revenue opportunities but also poses challenges related to crowd control and security. Hospitality business owners must ensure the safety of their staff and clientele by employing licensed professionals and well-trained doormen. This article explores the importance of event security, the benefits of SIA-licensed security personnel, and delves into the statistics on anti-social behaviour during football events.

Economic Impact of the Euros on Hospitality Businesses


The Euros present a significant economic opportunity for pubs, bars, and restaurants. According to the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA), major football events can boost pub sales by up to 40%, contributing millions of pounds to the economy​​. However, this financial benefit comes with the responsibility of ensuring that the increased foot traffic does not compromise safety.

The Role of Licensed Professionals in Event Security


The Security Industry Authority (SIA) is the UK’s regulatory body for the private security industry, ensuring that all licensed security professionals meet stringent standards of training and conduct. When it comes to event security, licensed professionals can assist to ensure order and safety during highly emotive events like the Euros. Hiring a reputable security guard company, such as Triton Security, with SIA-licensed personnel means that security measures are implemented effectively.

Handling Anti-Social Behaviour


Anti-social behaviour, such as drunk and disorderliness, is a common issue during major sporting events. Trained doormen are equipped to handle such situations effectively. According to the Office for National Statistics, there were over 21,000 football-related incidents reported during the 2019/2020 season in England and Wales. These incidents often escalate in environments where alcohol is consumed, highlighting the need for vigilant and trained security personnel.

The Benefits of SIA-Licensed Security Personnel


When hiring an SIA licensed security guard, you can rest assured that your business with be represented by a highly trained, skilled professional.

SIA-licensed security guards and door supervisors undergo rigorous training programs that cover various aspects of security, including:

  • Conflict Management – Techniques to de-escalate potential altercations.
  • Crowd Control – Strategies to manage large groups and prevent overcrowding.
  • Emergency Procedures – Knowledge of how to handle emergencies, including medical incidents and evacuations.
  • Professional Conduct –SIA licensing ensures that security personnel adhere to high standards of professionalism. Licensed guards and door supervisors are trained to interact courteously with customers while maintaining authority, creating a safe and welcoming environment.
  • Legal Compliance – Employing SIA-licensed professionals ensures compliance with UK laws and regulations. This not only protects the business from potential legal issues but also reassures customers and staff of their safety.

The Role of Trained Doormen in Pubs and Event Spaces


  • Entry Control – Door supervisors play an important role in managing entry to the venue, ensuring that only authorised individuals gain access. This helps prevent overcrowding and keeps the environment safe and controlled.
  • Monitoring and Surveillance – Trained doormen are skilled in monitoring both the interior and exterior of the premises. They can identify potential troublemakers and take pre-emptive action to prevent incidents.

Improving Security Measures with Technology


Installing advanced technology systems into your security plan can significantly improve the safety and efficiency of your operations during the Euros. Modern security solutions such as AI-powered surveillance cameras, and mobile security apps provide real-time data and analytics. These technologies enable security teams to monitor large crowds more effectively, detect suspicious activities early, and respond swiftly to potential threats. Additionally, implementing contactless payment systems and digital ticketing can reduce physical interactions, thereby minimising the risk of altercations and ensuring a smoother flow of customers.

The Importance of Event Security for Business Owners


For business owners, investing in event security is not just about compliance but about safeguarding their establishments and clientele. Effective security measures can prevent costly incidents and enhance the overall customer experience, encouraging repeat business.

Protect your staff and customers during the Euros


For business owners, investing in event security is not just about compliance but about safeguarding their establishments and clientele. Effective security measures can prevent costly incidents and enhance the overall customer experience, encouraging repeat business. During the Euros and other major sporting events, hospitality business managers and owners must prioritise event security. Employing SIA-licensed security guards and well-trained doormen is essential for managing the influx of passionate football fans. These professionals bring expertise, professionalism, and legal compliance, ensuring that the excitement of the tournament does not compromise safety.

Investing in comprehensive event security measures is a prudent business decision that protects property, makes for a better customer experience, and maintains a positive reputation. By preparing adequately, hospitality businesses can capitalise on the economic benefits of the Euros while safeguarding their assets, staff and clientele.

Make sure your business is well-protected during the Euros, contact Triton Security today for a no-obligation quote on our SIA-trained doormen and security guards.

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Triton Security North Wing, Thorp Arch Grange, Walton Road, Thorp Arch, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS23 7BA. United Kingdom